Years of Experience
It has been a childhood dream of mine to become a Professional Animator. Since working in a different project for my courses helps me to build my basics skills and knowledge for my animation. Connecting with different people's views and ideas gains my experience based on industrial projects.

"Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets"
Ludwig van Beethoven

The Early early show with the james kitten
In this project, all the work was organised by my team. Â I was assigned a special scene where James fire his assistance. The work I put for my scene needs more improvement on my animation. However, all the feedback was quite interesting to improve for the future project if I assigned this shot again.

Over and Under
animator and lighting supervisor
I had been assigned a particular role for Pitch for being sad. It was quite fascinating to understand the facial expression and the mood for my shot. I was also glad to take this shot where I experienced many challenges which helped me to overcome those barriers through the reviews of people and my teammates. On the top-right video is some progression of Pitch being sad.